Featured Project

2021 Florda Youth Survey Lesson Plan Development

In collaboration with the Florida Department of Health and Education, we lead the development of five learning modules based on the results of the Youth Risk Behavioral Survey administered to Florida high school students every two years.  The survey allows educators and state leaders monitor youth behaviors that have shown to cause death, disability, and social problems which are patterns that continue into adulthood (Florida Heath, n.d.).  The five learning modules each represent a theme that is evaluated by the survey and included: Bullying and School Safety, Mental and Emotional Health, Healthy Relationships, Nutrition, and Substance Abuse and Use. The learning infuses inquiry-based learning strategies to allow students examine issues of mental health based on the survey results, engage in deep reflection in terms of what those results mean for them in their own context, and encourages them to implement healthier behaviors to reduce the issues facing youth today.  The products of this project are publicly available online and stored here, under Reports and Products, at the end of the page.   


